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Successful First Internal "Open Lab Day" at MedUni Vienna's Center for Biomedical Research and Translational Surgery

On June 6, 2024, the first "Open Lab Day" was held at the Center for Biomedical Research and Translational Surgery at MedUni Vienna. Colleagues from various departments of MedUni Vienna were invited to participate in an exciting afternoon program that offered insights into the history of the Medical University and current research focuses.

The afternoon began with a warm welcome from Professor Bruno Podesser, the head of the center. He emphasized the importance of exchange and collaboration between the university's various research groups and the need to look beyond one's own research. This was followed by an impressive lecture by Herwig Czech, Professor of Medical History at our university, about the "Vienna Medical School" and its historical development.

After the lecture, participants were guided through the center in conducted lab tours. At various stations, researchers presented their current projects and methods. Highlights included demonstrations of myograph and organoid research, heart models, transplantation techniques, perfusion bioreactors, 3D printing, perivascular loops, HPLC, and preclinical imaging.

In parallel with the lab tours, visitors could exchange ideas over coffee and view video and poster presentations. The day concluded with drinks and snacks in the warm summer weather, allowing participants to further network and share their impressions.

For more information and detailed insights into the CBMR research groups, flyers are available for PDF download:

The event was a great success and a promising start for future "Open Lab Days" at MedUni Vienna. We thank all participants and look forward to the next opportunities to present our research and promote interdisciplinary exchange.