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First Annual Conference of the Austrian Society of Rheology

Speaker giving a talk in conference hall at business event. Audience at the conference hall. Business and Entrepreneurship concept. Focus on unrecognizable people in audience.
We hereby invite all those interested in the field of Rheology to attend the first annual conference of the Austrian Society of Rheology. All the participants are invited to submit an abstract, which will be published in the conference booklet. The event will take place on November 18, 2022.


Interested parties can find here the preliminary program as well as the forms for registration and abstract submission forms in .docx format. Please use our temporary contact address for your inquiries to Dr. Philipp Fuhrmann, Secretary.

About the Society

The Austrian Society of Rheology (ÖGR) was founded in April 2022 on the initiative of Ursula Windberger (MedUni Vienna, current President of the Society) and Wolfgang Baumgartner (Anton Paar Company). The ÖGR aims to strengthen scientific activities in the field of rheology and to provide further education for students, users and people interested in rheology in general. A platform for the exchange of scientific findings and expert knowledge is to be created, thus facilitating networking with colleagues within Austria. This also includes cooperation in the use of resources of the members. The ÖGR is based at the Department of Food Science and Technology, BOKU Vienna, and covers primarily Austria.