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Carl Apstein Award for best poster presentation

We congratulate all the winners of the Carl Epstein Award for the best poster presentation and for their participation at the Cardiovascular Research…

Lukas Weber and Matthias Ernst receive Carl Apstein Award

Lukas Weber and Matthias Ernst, PhD students in the group of Prof. Podesser and Dr Kiss, won the Carl Apstein Award (Best Poster and Best Oral…

Cardiovascular Research Days 2024

We hereby gladly announce the 11th Cardiovascular Research Days: (R)evolution in cardiac surgery and cardiology.

3rd European Open-Source 3D Bioprinting Workshop (11-13.12.2023)

In this 3-day course, we will show you how to assemble your own 3D bio-printer using open-source technology. This will not only give you a deeper…

GLP Certification

Center for Biomedical Research and Translational Surgery received GLP certificate

New: Positions and Thesis

On our homepage we now offer interested students the possibility to apply specifically for one of our research topics.

Ludwig Boltzmann Lecture: Cardiac Sarcomere Protein Quality Control and BAG3, Assoc. Prof. Jonathan Kirk, PhD. (22.03.2023)

Dr. Jonathan Kirk is a tenured Associate Professor at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine and Vice Chair of the Department of Cell…

High-Resolution Cardiovascular and Abdominal Rodent Ultrasonography Workshop | February 27th-28th

A workshop with hands-on training dedicated to high-end ultrasonographic rodent phenotyping will be organised in the Center for Biomedical Research…

Summer School 2023 - Application now opened | | 03.07 - 14.07.2023

Starting on 03.07 until 14.07, the "Summer School" will take place at the Centre for Biomedical Research.

Anna-Maria Schmitt receives this year's Carl Apstein Award

Anna-Maria Schmitt, a master's student in the group of Prof. Bergmeister, won this year's Carl Apstein Award at the 28. Conference on Endothelium in…