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Operating Rooms (ORs)

The surgical division offers all the prerequisites for a successful implementation of your surgical research project. We support you both with careful planning and the execution during surgery. We consider the medical competence and experience of our OR team, the commitment of our staff and the quality of our equipment as a special offer to our experimenters/researchers, who want to work in a professional scientific atmosphere.



The surgical area provides state-of-the-art anaesthesia, endoscopy, digital x-rays, angiography and surgical microscopes. An extensive selection of instruments for  open or laprascopic surgery as well as for microsurgical procedures guarantees a wide range of interventions. The surgical area covers 600 m2 and includes four operating theatres, three intervention rooms, autopsy and sterilization area. The department performs interventions of all surgical disciplines on small animals as well as on large animals (abdominal, transplantation, heart/thorax, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, ENT and vascular, maxillofacial, dental, orthopaedic and reconstructive surgery). In addition, various interventional radiological projects are carried out.

Diagnostic Laboratory

Our laboratories are certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and are specialized in veterinary diagnostics of small and large animals (mouse to sheep). Our range of services includes clinical-chemical and haematological analyses, haemostaseology and rheology, osmolality measurements, urine diagnostics, blood gas analyses and parasitological methods. The laboratory is operated by biomedical analysts with many years of scientific experience, who will be happy to provide you the required information. Whenever possible, we try to analyze the sample on the day of submission.


If you have any questions concerning the OR areas, please send them to the following e-mail address.

If you want to conduct trainings, you will find the corresponding forms for your request under the download page.