The 3D Pattenator is a direct-ink-writing 3D printer that was developed by the 3D bioprinting team the Kaplan lab at Tufts University (Medford, USA). Using a combination of commercially available and 3D printed parts, it uses mechanical extrusion to enable the high-resolution 3D printing of a wide range of bioinks, including ultra-low viscosity bioinks using Freeform Reversible Embedding of Suspended Hydrogels (FRESH) printing.
About the Workshop
Learn to build and use the 3D Pattenator.v4, an advanced 3D bioprinter with open-source technology using mechanical extrusion.
Go through a series of lectures, hands-on tutorials, and learn how to do high-resolution printing in air and in a gel support bath (FRESH printing).
You will take home your own 3D Pattenator.v4 that you built. Shipping is included.
Application timeline
Applications will be accepted between September 18th and October 30th. Space is limited to 6 teams maximum. Selected teams will be notified by November 4th. Payment is due upon acceptance. The course will only be held if a minimum of 4 teams are enrolled.
Link to registration on the Eventbrite Website
Fees are 2850.- Euro per slot (includes one printer and one participant) plus 650.- for maximum one additional participant from the same team.
The fee includes (per team) all materials to build a brand-new 3D Pattenator.v4, instructions and support, ECM bioink for training and two samples to take home with your printer, food and drinks at the workshop venue for the whole 3 days, and one evening event for networking.
The Seminar includes three training sessions to build your 3D Bioprinter, and three additional 3D Bioprinting training sessions.
The workshop will run 5-7th December 2022. This will be a 3-day course with a daily schedule of 8:30 am to 7 pm.